Please join us for a learning session

Date & Time
March 31, 2023 from 9AM to 11AM EDT
CLT Alliance
330 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

Join us for a continental breakfast and presentation of the financial services sector workforce development initiative, Build Better Careers – Charlotte, led by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and funded through the Truist Foundation’s Where It Starts program.

CAEL and partners like you will help to assess industry successes and accomplishments that will serve as a foundation for tools and strategies to build a deeper bench of diverse talent across roles at all levels within the sector.

Learn about this initiative and how your participation as a hiring manager, decision-maker or professional in human resources or learning and development will help build career pathways for hard-to-fill and mission-critical roles within your organization.  While growing ecosystem partnerships, advance training and upskilling offerings and  building industry standards for DEI.   

Build Better Careers Partners


Event Ended

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