Please join us for an essential seminar on carbon counting; the changes coming in 2025 will significantly impact you, are you ready?
- Date & Time
- May 1-2, 2024 NZST
- Location
3pm @ VMAX 2, Event Cinemas Westfield Newmarket
Level 4, 309 Broadway
Newmarket, Auckland
MBIE is introducing two programmes including houses, commercial, industrial and government buildings:
- Whole-of-life embodied carbon: Reporting on embodied carbon for new buildings will be mandatory in 2025. From 2026-2030, new building embodied carbon emissions caps will be reduced.
- Transforming operational efficiency: Like the reductions above, this programme limits energy and water usage from 2025-2030.
The specialists will take you through a practical how to on:
- Changes to building consents 2025 and how to achieve practical compliance with embodied carbon and operational efficiencies
- New technologies and cheats to get a compliant, but cost-effective building consent
- Case studies on concrete alternatives and their implications
At the end of the seminar, you'll be well placed to lead your clients through these upcoming mandatory changes. The seminar will be useful and worthwhile as we freely share our IP and extensive award-winning experience in this field – from the high-level to the nitty-gritty.
TMCo Speakers
Mike Baker
Mike is a Fellow of Engineering NZ, TMCo's managing director and chartered building services engineer managing TMCo's practice of 115 staff in 8 locations. He is multi-award-winning in sustainability and a regular speaker for ADNZ, NZIA practices, EECA, NZIOB and the travel and tourism sector, and has engineered NZ's highest Green Star and NABERSNZ projects. Mike provides excellent clarity and explanations on technical systems but in a down-to-earth and fun manner that's easy to understand. Come along, learn and have some fun.
Jasmine Fletcher
Jasmine is TMCo's Sustainability Head of Department, NZGBC Future Thinker, Senior Sustainability Engineer, Homestar Assessor, NABERSNZ Accredited Assessor, Green Star Accredited Professional (GSAP). Known for providing practical solutions to achieve great sustainable results and training the industry in the recent H1 changes. Jasmine's excellent communication and knowledge will make for an entertaining talk. Her architectural and sustainable training provides a deeper understanding of the challenges facing this reporting: Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments majoring in Sustainable Engineering, Master of Architectural Science majoring in Sustainable Engineering.
Peter Rickard Green
Peter Rickard-Green is TMCo's Client Technical Director who's 30-year career has specialised in sustainability. A chartered engineer in Building Services and Sustainable Engineering, Peter won The Property Council of New Zealand Excellence award for King Edward Barracks, Christchurch, and the ACENZ Innovate Award of Excellence for Christchurch Bus Interchange. Peter will share lessons and tips around environmentally and commercially sustainable engineering solutions that reduce capital and operational costs of developments.
Jack Steele
Jack Steele is a Senior Sustainability Engineer at TMCo. Recently Jack was the NZGBC's Technical Coordinator, responsible for the NABERSNZ tool and development of key aspects of the Homestar v5. A Passive House consultant. In 2021-2024 Jack also managed the Kainga Ora Homestar v5 Transition Standard. He has been a BRANZ researcher, Vic Uni tutor for the Masters in Architecture and Building Science degree, having completed his own Masters in Architectural Science with Distinction - Jack seriously knows his stuff and will be a tremendous fountain of practical knowedge come Q+A time (start thinking about questions now!).
Julio Ortiz
Julio is a senior structural engineer at TMCo and has completed many complex structural projects throughout his career. Part of TMCo’s sustainability team, Julio knows what alternative are available, their wider impacts and capex implications and how to simultaneously reduce construction costs and embodied carbon. He’s a friendly, knowledgeable and enthusiastic teacher.
Find Out More
TM Consultants is an award-winning engineering firm in New Zealand. They offer a wide range of engineering services, including structural, hydraulic, seismic, fire safety, electrical, and energy and sustainable design. They have a team of over 100 engineers located in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin and Queenstown. Click the logo to head to our website for more information. We look forward to seeing you there. Please RSVP by clicking the blue button at the top of the page or the 'Yes' or 'No' option below.
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The Plan
Grab a Seat, Sit Back and RelaxCome in grab a seat and get comfortable.
3:15PM to 4:45PM
TMCo Speakers PresentTMCo will deliver a fun, informative and interactive session on particular upcoming changes to industry standard, how this will impact us all and what we are doing about it. Including a quick design competition with PRIZES!
4:45PM to 5:00PM
Q&ATime to ask any questions you may have banked during the session.
5:00PM to 7:00PM
Drinks and NibblesLastly, we'll wrap up with a beverage or two and some tasty nibbles.
12:00 PM
Schedule Item {{position}} Content that describes this portion of the event.

It’s free, later in the day and of course has nibbles and drinks – excellent for industry networking 🍻🍷
Bringing together industry leaders to discuss and agree the best way to prepare for this new legislation.
This seminar is about helping those we typically partner with (architects, designers, QSs and project managers) so collectively we can deliver great projects.
We encourage you to bring guests/colleagues.
Spaces are limited so make sure you RSVP below.
Parking Information
Use Clovernook Road entrance, drive up the ramp to level 4 Green Carpark. Enter the mall, EVENT Cinemas is just up from Archie Brothers and adjacent to the Rooftop Eateries.
Guests can download the Westfield app.. link here:
Guests receive 2 hours complimentary and then a further 2 hours complimentary when using the validation stations in the cinema complex (one in Boutique Lounge). On arrival, guests type in their number plate and the extended free parking is added.
Comments From Past Attendees:
“Great presentation...Interactive, informative and fun with many useful project applications.” Sam Prebble | Cequent Projects
"This presentation was engaging, informative and great to see some real data. Thoroughly recommended." Jeremy Dunlop | Ignite Architects
"It was one of the best presentations I have been to." Nathan Taylor | Taylored Spaces Limited
"Mike’s presentation was very insightful, well researched and engaging. He imparted a wealth of knowledge on the majority of heating systems and thermal envelope elements available on the market today. I would highly recommend this event to anyone involved in the construction industry whether in a design, consulting, installation or sales role." Josh Greer | Project360
"Very helpful, for the business, but also a few things to think about for my up-and-coming renovations!" Kymberley Kennedy | Rubix
"I found the seminar very informative, your timing was perfect. I am in the process of buying some land and designing/ building a house which will include a lot of you suggestions especially around windows, heating, solar gain etc." John Russell | Rawlinsons
"I was wondering if this might be the most boring seminar I would attend this year before I went – how wrong could I be!
I would put this up as one of the most informative I have been to in a long while!" Alison Carey Architectural Design
"We had a great turn-out and members enjoyed the presentation, they have all gone away with some very useful information." Faye Pearson-Green Regional Chairperson | Architectural Designers NZ Inc
"It will now also make us question the types of heating that our future clients may decide to use, and we can now suggest potentially better alternatives." Jeff Long | Trinity Developments
"I was persuaded by the work of TM Co as Mechanical Heating and Ventilation Engineers when Mike Baker, at a Presentation of their approach to their methods of analysis and design generated solutions which were contrary to the “known truths” and design solutions for the Heating, Ventilation and Construction of Buildings as I had understood them, and had been presented to us by “design and build” Contractors.
Their approach applies proper analysis of the proposed planning and design of a building, its site, its orientation and it’s proposed construction and insulation requirements as a first step.
From this analysis, the most appropriate Heating, Cooling and Insulation solutions and, perhaps, the window design, unfold to provide the most appropriate solution having regard for both capital cost and operating cost.
This is a Service which is normally confined to larger Buildings. TM Co have the interest to provide the Service for Houses and Small – as well as, Large – Buildings.
We are now working with them on five Projects each with a cost of less than $2 million." Ashley Muir | Director Mason and Wales